In 1989, President George Bush convened a meeting of Governors in Virginia to talk about the Education System. The Charlottesville Summit was held September 27 to 28, 1989. Bush never indicated any interest in education until the presidential campaign in 1988. At that time, he said he wanted to be the “Education President”. What the vast majority of people in this country didn’t know at the time, was about the negotiations that were underway for the Uruguay Round of trade that would ultimately establish the United Nations specialized agency, the World Trade Organization in 1995.
Going back in history and tracing the timeline, what one finds is that the American people were deceived about true nature of what was being discussed under the heading of trade, that Washington DC is a cesspool overflowing with human waste and that the U.S. mainstream media is Pravada USA telling you what you are supposed to believe, not what the truth is about anything. The problems we are dealing with today in this country and around the world are directly linked to the so-called trade agenda that was really about the globalization of communism. Has the media told you that? No. And they won’t either but all the documentation is available in the public domain for any curious and thinking person to find.
End of the Cold War – Beginning of Economic and Social War
From the early 1970’s forward, U.S. foreign policy followed two tracks: 1) End the Cold War with the Soviet Union; 2) open up China. By 1989, both missions had been accomplished. The Berlin Wall was opened up to allow the communists from East Germany to rush the west and China expressed interest in “open and free trade” which was the objective of the Uruguay Round of trade talks. Also in 1989, twelve Pacific Rim “economies” came together to establish the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) for economic collectivism to harmonized the factors of foreign “trade” such that corporations could do business across borders without interference from national interests . The twelve co-founding nations were Australia, Brunei, Canada, Indonesia, Japan, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, The Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, United States. APEC is the weapon of economic and social war on the American people.
“America’s trade policies are connected to our broader economic, political, and security aims. This intellectual integration may confound some trade scholars, but it follows in the footsteps of the architects of reconstruction after 1945.”
Robert Zoellick, U.S. Trade Representative
It’s not my purpose to rehash what I’ve already written about the deceptions around the concept of “free trade”, but that background is important context for planned changes to our system of education that were initiated by the Charlottesville Summit with the Governors and the Charlottesville Summit was the set up for changing the U.S. education system as trade ministers negotiated during the APEC “trade” forums.
The objective of the system of global “free trade” was open borders for commerce including goods and services. A service is a person or a job so the system of open borders was for the free movement of “workers” – both white and blue collar. No borders. No nation. Just one great big global communist system of oligarchs, slave workers and a police state control system to keep the peasants in line. Think of the population of the Pacific Rim nations including China and Russia and then think of the population of the United States. That’s why I said Washington DC is a cesspool. They betrayed our people and our country.
Despite all that has been written about the “reform” of education, the objective was going to be the creation of a world system of labor with harmonized training and certification to provide the slave pool of human resources for the multinational corporations and to act as thought leaders (change agents) for the confused populations still living in the nation-state context as the inexplicable changes were being made to our systems of government and our institutions – dismantling them while they privatized the power of government.
The Chairman at the time of the first APEC Summit was Australian Gareth Evans, QC, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade. He gave the broad category outline of the areas that APEC would be addressing:
? Economic studies: including the review and analysis of the economic outlook for the region and its implications for policy, and the improvement of regional economic and trade data;
? Trade liberalisation: with an initial focus on consultations among participants at Ministerial as well as official level to pursue a timely and comprehensive outcome for the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations;
? Investment, technology transfer and human resource development: including programs for information exchange and training; and
? Sectoral cooperation: in fields such as tourism, energy, trade promotion, environment matters and infrastructure development.
Notice that initially they used the term human resource development. As time progressed, they changed the term to education to reflect what they really had in mind.
The statement of the Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs, Taro Nakayama gave his objectives and priorities for the APEC organization (emphasis added):
- +Objectives
The first is that Asia Pacific cooperation must be open. It should contribute to the development not only of the entire region but of the entire international community as a whole. In the trade field for example, Asia Pacific cooperation should be promoted in ways that contribute to sustaining and strengthening the global and free trading system.
The second point that I would like to stress is the importance of promoting this cooperation through step-by-step approaches in a wide range of fields, taking full account of the vast political, economic, and cultural diversity that characterizes this region.
- +Priorities
The first priority is that of moulding a shared outlook on the economic situation. A number of problems have been pointed out as having the potential to impede growth, among them the rising tide of protectionism, the economic and social distortions and misalignments generated by rapid growth, and the various physical and human constraints.Working through enhanced dialogue among economic policy-makers, we must find ways to overcome these impediments and to maintain and to build on our present prosperity.
The second priority is found in the imperative of further improving the climate for unbridled private sector activity, for it is the private sector that has propelled this regions development.
Our third priority is that of making a greater effort in human resources development which could be called “software” infrastructure vis-a-vis the “hardware” infrastructure of transportation and communication networks. The quality of our development ultimately depends upon the quality of our people, and it is axiomatic that not only government policy but also private business must seek to facilitate the broadest possible exchanges of expertise and technology and thereby to foster the kind of human resources needed for further development . . . I, therefore, offer for your consideration what I would call “the Asia Pacific Multilateral Human Resources Development Initiative”.
Finally, we would be quite remiss if we were to ignore the importance of global issues. The global warming, the depletion of the ozone layer, the blight of acid rain, the pollution of our air and water, the devastation of tropical forests, and many other grave problems accompanying industrial and other development have no respect for national borders but impact upon the global environment surrounding us: and their solution is thus an urgent imperative for all mankind. It is also well-known that the Asia Pacific region is still facing various problems to be solved in such basic areas as population and medical cure. I believe it would be most significant for us to deliberate what can be done to solve the environmental problems and what is the way of effective cooperation in these areas.
By the end of the August 1992 meeting of APEC, the trade ministers published a summary of their conclusions titled, Declaration: “Toward Education Standards for the 21st Century”. With that, they came out from behind the curtain of Human Resources Development and used the term Education including adding primary and secondary school education, education for all and lifelong learning to their agenda.
The following is a snapshot of the 4-page report from the APEC Education Ministerial Meeting:
Goals 2000
The output of the Charlottesville Education Summit was the production of a list of six national goals for education for the year 2000 and beyond. In February of 1990, the White House issued a press release about the Summit and announcing National Goals for Education.
At the historic education summit in Charlottesville five months ago, the President and the Governors declared that “the time has come, fog the first time in U.S. history, to establish clear national performance goals, goals that will make us internationally competitive.” The six national education goals contained here are the first step in carrying out that commitment.
America’s educational performance must be second to none in the 21st century. Education is central to our quality of life. It is at the heart of our economic strength and security, our creativity in the arts and letters, our invention in the sciences, and the perpetuation of our cultural values. Education is the key to America’s international competitiveness.
Today, a new standard for an educated citizenry is required, one suitable for the next century. Our people must be as knowledgeable, as well-trained, as competent, and as inventive as those in any other nation. All of our people, not just a few, must be able to think for a living, adapt to changing environments, and to understand the world around them. They must understand and accept the responsibilities and obligations of citizenship. They must continually learn and develop new skills throughout their lives.
Sweeping, fundamental changes in our education system must be made. Educators must be given greater flexibility to devise challenging and inspiring strategies to serve the needs of a diverse body of students . . . [professional educators] daily work must be dedicated to creating a new educational order in which success for all students is the first priority, and they must be held accountable for the results.
. . .In addition, communities, business and civic groups and state, local and federal government each has a vital role to play throughout this decade to ensure our success.
. . . The first step is to establish ambitious national education goals — performance goals that must be achieved if the United States is to remain competitive in the world marketplace and our citizens are to reach their fullest potential.
Those references to international trade would have gone over the heads of most people because they weren’t looking for the federal government to be selling out our country – dismantling the nation-state while globalizing our economy – open borders for commerce which includes people. No borders – no nation. The Governors knew and they’ve known the agenda for a long time. [I have to refrain from further comment on this because it would turn into a tirade ending with get a rope].
Congressional Research Report RL 31038, Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), Free Trade, and the 2001 Summit in Shanghai, October 26, 2001.
Chairman’s Summary Statement
Chairman Gareth Evans, QC, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia
APEC – close of the first summit, November 1989
Statement of Taro Nakayama, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan
Ministerial Meeting on Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation
Canberra, Australia, November 6, 1989
APEC Education Ministerial Meeting
Washington DC
August 6, 1992
Declaration: Towards Education Standards for the 21st Century
Our nutty human race is self-destructive by nature. We the people of the United States are no different than the rest of the world. All of our democrat leaders are for erasing our borders and most of the Pubs are too except they want to call the invading armies of aliens “Legal”. “Do it the right way, come here legally” they (RINOs) say. Did you see the 1st democrat debate on TV the other night, when several answered questions in Spanish? They are all filthy rat traitors, supporting the new (communistic style) one-world order. The traitors have been trying to dissolve our country for decades and they are recruiting huge armies of 10s of millions of aliens and 10s of millions of their anchors. Next, and soon, will be the use of AI (artificial intelligence) to control our citizens as communist China is already doing there. Pray for the people of Hong Kong that they can resist the A.I. surveillance that China has installed. Turkey has a large uprising for the support of 1 million of their people being held in concentration camps in China, who were put their mainly by using AI surveillance (i.e. face-recognition).
Las Vegas has just spent ¼ million dollars on software that records your face on all it’s buses. Additional cameras (besides the numerous cameras they already had) have been lowered to face level so when you buy a ticket at a kiosk or onboard, your face is sent directly to the police department, copies to the FBI and NSA as wanted. (The NSA center in Utah gets 500,000 hack attempts daily, BTW). Seniors must have a photo-ID card registered in the clouds and so your face can be tracked wherever you go on the buses. All have voice recorders so all you say is being sent as well. This is just another step towards the kind of control communist China has over it’s citizens, soon to become worthless due to technology.
New World Order
We’re All Criminals Now
Wake Up America
Rosa Koire
Vicky, thank you for this succinct and important set of linkages. As always, your research and presentation is impeccable.
Globalization is the standardization of all systems. This is achieved by terrorizing the world with climate change, silencing dissent, indoctrinating the masses with institutional propaganda, and effectively dissolving the borders while temporarily leaving the facade in place. Your research brings it all together with the hard data.
Thank you,
THE Rosa Koire! Ms Koire it was you who got me interested in this “cause”- and led me to Ms Davis research pages.
President Trump wants out of WTO:
and These were posted last year (?) but I myself just heard of it last night on talk radio. Notice the pro-globalist slant on all pieces.
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Thank you for showing the truth , please send to my e mail
Vicky Davis
Thank you!