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    Ms Davis – I have yet to figure out the motive behind all of the transgender programs. Do any of you readers have an opinion or suspicion? I am wondering if it is all about getting people to accept the bizarre, the abnormal, the old Common Purpose “get out of your comfort zone” byline. I also keep seeing that very phrase in advertising, tv dialogue, etc. They use the oldest trick in the book: teh ‘sneer’ factor. Americans are gullible and easily swayed. They fall for the SAME OLD tricks – if they fear they’ll be mocked, they’ll cower down. They consistently gang up on what they’ve been tricked into believing are the offense: conservatives, Christians, Constitutionalists et al. They cannot see that they themselves are the oppressors they pretend so valiantly to be against. They can’t see any frauds being perpetrated against them, the phony dichotomies, the false oppositions. So predictable.
    Anyway- I do have a question, and that is what is UP with all this “trans” stuff? Any ideas?

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      I think it’s cultural marxism – degradation of the culture, demoralization and corruption of the people. The militants who are in this cult of deviance are just as evil to gay and lesbian people as they are to straight people. They are just the devil’s spawn. They need to break down everything in our country – the government, the culture, our spirits so that they can rebuild in their vision of the “new world”.

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        “Degradation” that is what I thought, Vicky and Thank You for reply. I had a funny feeling about it when they announced trans-people would be welcomed into the military, I said to myself “sounds like they are trying to make the US military appear silly and weak”. This is their plan. The same with police departments, I remember the “45 Goals of Communism” list has them doing all they can to demoralize, ridicule and weaken any entity that represents authority, etc. What people don’t “get” is that the govt and these powerful org.s do NOT care one whit! one iota! about “gay” anyone, nor anyone’s “rights” and the people just eat it up. I just watched a program on a religious channel (by accident) stated that Roe vs Wade was *not* about “women’s rights” bandwagon, but that it was a scheme to get the nation to approve abortion on demand. Apparently, we had been paying BIG MONEY to Sweden so we could import human “tissue” (quotes intentional) but try telling the American people that it was all a scam, nothing to do with rights or “equality” and they will not believe you. People will believe a lie before faced with the facts. There is even a bible scripture about this, that people would rather live in the dark, because they love the dark and the light exposes them. That scripture makes sense to me now. Bible also says “there is nothing new under the sun”, people never ever look to history. Communism never worked, Babylon fell, and to limit free speech or remove the public’s access to arming themselves has never led to peace.


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