World Game of Chaos – Futurists and the Year 2000
When I was researching the CANAMEX and technology for the highway systems, I remembered a program in the later 1960s I watched every sunday with my Dad. It was called 21st century. One of the segments was devoted to technology for the highways to reduce congestion. That memory led to writing about the futurists. I remembered Buckminster Fuller. My husband was very taken with Bucky in the early 1970s. We even looked at Dome homes and considered buying one. It was in the research about Buckminster Fuller
Buckminster Fuller Institute – World Game Big Ideas
[Power] – Rest of the Story Part 5, Jimmy Carter, Department of Energy, Gerald O. Barney, Year 2000, SES
Gerald O. Barney – the Unfinished Agenda, Rockefeller Brothers Fund
Global 2000 Report to the President, foreward by Jimmy Carter, published 1980