* * * This drive-by history is a work in progress * * *
The following is a rough timeline of the international institution building strategy towards the objective of global governance. The design for global governance was to build economic regions with policy coming from global to local – gradually disintegrating national government of the people, converting government to be facilitators for business to serve the economic region and the world.
Within the regional framework of governance, strategic changes to systems that serve the economy have gradually been converted to international systems. Those systems are:
Law – Justice Systems
Environment – Land Use and Regulatory Systems
Food Systems
Customs and Taxation
Commercial and Financial Systems – de-regulated nationally
Note: I keep trying to organize what I’ve written by subject matter. I have yet to figure out a way to do that so what I’m doing instead is giving a link to all the posts I’ve written. Generally speaking, within a timeframe, the subject matter of the posts are the same – but not always. The following is a link to the list of posts:
The Marshall Plan, 1947 – Building the European Economic Region
Congressional Record, the Honorable Usher L. Burdick, (ND), The Great Conspiracy to Destroy the United States, April 28, 1954
Surrender of the Economy and its Consequences
Operation Pan America, 1960, Eisenhower – continued by Kennedy Alliance for Progress.
Alliance for Progress – a Marshall Plan for Latin America, 1961
Organization for European Economic Co-operation (OEEC – Marshall Plan) was renamed and repurposed: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 1961
The ABC’s of Trade Policy and Education
International-to-National Policy Boomerang
World Bank
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
World Bank, Robert McNamara: The Commission on International Development (Pearson Commission), 1968
The Science of Communist Infiltration – G7
Treason in Helsinki – Organization Security and Co-Operation in Europe
Brandt Commission: McNamara – letter to Willy Brandt, 1976. New commission on development issues.
Rise of the Socialist International
Socialist Engineering the Death of the West
Common Responsibility: From Brute Communism to Social Communism
1990 – Preparation for Global Governance
The Human Dimension
Climate Change: Scientific Psychological Warfare for Population Reduction
Les Horswill: A Canada & US Union
The Agenda: TVO Today
Posted 13 years ago, Includes video clip from 1988 campaign
The Possibility of Further North American Integration and its Implications
SAIS, Amb. Juan José Gómez-Camacho, November 16, 2022
The North American Integration: Structural Challenges, Big Opportunities
SAIS, Amb. Juan José Gómez-Camacho, April 19, 2023
Check this out Vicky
GAI in Canada part of world parliament plans
There is a World Legislative Act (LAW) for GAI
Google and your GAIA ID
Vicky Davis
I really wish I could dismiss these people as just lunatics on the loose but it too closely parallels what is really happening. A couple of the most significant “real things” are the peace movement and the interfaith alliance. There is also the move towards guaranteed annual income. To this point, there have just been murmurs in the U.S. but it’s coming.
I have two articles, the subject of which is about or includes the Interfaith Alliance. They should give you some more background on this topic.
Cult of the New World Order
The Real Raw Story
Just recently, I discovered the connection to the Peace Movement
The Red Thread in the Pacific Northwest